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Saturday, 28 December 2019

Who is legally responsible for Fire Doors?

Building owners and managers have legal responsibilities to take on knowledgeable people to assess and manage fire risk in their properties. Articles 17 and 18 of the RRO – or Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order – make specific reference to the need to maintain preventive and protective measures.

The consequences of not meeting the regulations can result in severe punishments and include a large fine. This sends out a strong message about the implications of ineffective fire management procedures, which is often caused by the lack of knowledge and understanding surrounding fire doors and the RRO.

Estate managers need to be confident that if a fire should occur they will not be in breach of  the legal requirements for fire doors. If there is any doubt in your mind you should ask a certificated fire door inspector to take a look around the buildings and determine whether there are any shortfalls and what action needs to be taken.

If you would like to appoint one of our CertFDI-certificated fire door inspectors to assess and inspect the fire doors in your buildings. Please contact Moving Designs on 0845 6432198 .

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